
Spero – Creamy Cheeses made from Sunflowers

Brianna Cameron, Spero’s Director of Business Development

Spero is Ancient Latin for “I Hope,” which is what the founders of the company hope for in their product line – to reduce the production of eggs and dairy thus saving water and breathing new life into you.

From sunflower seeds, Spero makes cheese that is extraordinary.

Spero – Seed Cheese


From pumpkin seeds, Spero makes a plant based egg liquid that you can scramble like any other egg.

Spero – Scramblit

The nutrient value of sunflower and pumpkin seeds has been well studied, and it is amazing how good it is for you.  Spero Foods was born out of the desire to be free from the devastating effects of chronic illness. Just picking up fruits, vegetables, seeds, and other plant-based foods proved to make all the difference in the world.

Listen to my interview with Brianna Cameron, Spero’s Director of Business Development to learn more.

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Shirley Potasz, M.A.

Editor of Specialties include natural food preparation, skin care, and changing one's lifestyle. • M.A. in Educational Technology from SFSU • Certified Nutritionist • Produces numerous videos and interviews • Performs novel research • Lectures publicly and teaches in public and private schools Past • Broadcast Radio and TV Host in Los Angeles • National Health Federation (NHF) Board Member and S.F. Chapter President (13 years) - championed state and national health legislation, spoke at conventions, and organized monthly lectures by foremost researchers.

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